
Wednesday 8 February 2012


After four days of a vicious (but 'common') cold, I am feeling much better as the day has gone on; I no longer have a head full of cotton wool and nails.  Hooray!
I began to get bored.... so what better to do than a bit of photo manipulation.  I'm keen to learn how to use textures.  I'm not entirely sure of my ground thus far - it becomes more like painting than photography - but I like the effects.  Still, a bit of soft grunge has improved this rather ordinary bunch of tulips.  (And I assure you my kitchen wall is not as dirty as that!)
I like most flowers but perhaps tulips are my favourite to cut and display.  I enjoy the way they look interesting at every stage, from buds to overblown blooms, and the way the stems sometimes twist into graceful shapes.  These could have done with being a bit floppier, really.  I have had to throw the actual flowers away now, as they died - but it's nice that they can live on in this image.


  1. I love this picture! So romantic, so poetic..

  2. beautiful!
    I'm so looking forward to coming back to Saltaire next week as my birthday treat so can't wait to see your exhibition.
    : )

  3. Nice effect. It does look like a painting. Jim

  4. I have had exactly the same cold as you with exactly the same symptoms. So why can't I emerge from it and Photoshop as well as you do? It's not fare!

  5. I was in need of some tulips and these are very clever- looks like a artist and palette have created this!

    Chrissy at Manchester a photo a day at Mancunian Wave

  6. Very beautiful...a perfect use of textures. I like tulips in a bunch like this better than i like them in a garden!

  7. A gorgeous, painterly picture!

  8. Just gorgeous ..... Soft and pretty!

  9. Love the texture you used on this Jenny! What a fun way to coax yourself back from a cold! ~Lili

  10. When I looked at it I couldn't tell if it was a painting or a photo. I think I like it as a painting because of its delicate colors.

  11. That's an amazing photograph. The colors are perfect.

  12. Wonderful image . . . such an aura of bleak beauty . . . .
