
Thursday 9 February 2012

Pictures from the exhibition: Two doors, Albert Road

Alike yet different, satisfyingly symmetrical yet each with its own character, these doors - on the 'posh' houses at the edge of Saltaire village - remind me of two shiny conkers.

I wasn't able to choose many 'landscape format' pictures for the exhibition, due to the curved wall in the cafĂ©.  I wanted to include this one though, as it's one of my own favourites.  I think it subtly sums up quite a lot about Saltaire, and yet it is not an oft-photographed subject.  One of these days I will publish a book consisting entirely of photographs of Saltaire's doors.  They fascinate me.

I can never look at this photo now without remembering Vicki Lane's rather wicked comment, made the first time I posted the photo. ;-)

Just want to say a big thank you to everyone for your encouraging comments too.  I may have been feeling a bit down with a cold (now much better) but I am definitely lifted up by your kind words.


  1. Beautiful, and I like your idea of doing a book. Several cities in the US have posters of door pictures. I considered doing a poster of door shots for Rugby, until I realized they're all practically identical. Jim

  2. I have always been fascinated by English doors! This is my kind of photograph. I wonder if they'd consider renting out half of that place? lol

  3. Ther'es something with doors and windows, so attractive!
    Your picture makes me think of a game we had as kids : compare and find 7 differences! :o)

  4. Oh, yes, I remember these two doors! I am sorry to hear, after the fact, that you were feeling poorly, but very glad to know your spirits have perked up since. I'd also wanted to leave a comment to wish you luck with your soLo exhibition, but I've been having some glitches with posting comments for a little while now. I have no idea why. I will type out a nice, thoughtful comment only to have it freeze and then vanish into thin air when I try to post it. Exceedingly frustrating!

  5. «Louis» would be quite delighted if you post these fine doors on this coming Monday's "Monday Doorways!"

  6. Louis, I could do that! I didn't choose the right day did I?

  7. I had to look up what a conker was on Wikipedia! Vicki's comment made me fun that a photo could bring such varied thoughts to mind!

  8. I can see why you wanted to include this in your exhibition and to re-post it today. Vicki's comment is outstanding!

  9. These are beautiful! I been feeling the same this Winter. Keep smiling.

  10. I loved Vicki's comment too. It is a nice symmetrical shot. What makes the bricks black? Is it from bygone industrial times, or just age, or were they black to begin with?

  11. Diane - it's the effect of soot from factories and coal fires in times past. Many of the buildings in Saltaire have been sand-blasted to clean them up but some prefer to leave them. The natural stone is a nice honey-colour.

  12. I have blue doors but maybe I need to change to red. I like them a lot.

  13. Still love this photo...still thinking naughty thoughts...

  14. I love these doors -- and your right conkers is exactly the right description. A year or so ago I was doing ACT's and had a series on doors. I have to go back and find Vicki's wicked thought!

  15. I just came back from reading Vicki Lane's comment and I'm still laughing! Oh my, now that will forever be in my head when I see this scene or anything similar! ~Lili
