
Sunday 18 March 2012


A short walk beyond Saltaire's Roberts Park, to the north and west, you find yourself in a beautiful area of open green space and woodlands - Trench Meadows, the woods below Shipley Glen and land that was originally part of the Milner Field estate.  Much of this land had been acquired over the years by Sir Titus Salt, so even here there is a historical link with his name.  It's a very pleasant area for gentle walking and you quickly feel miles away from the urban sprawl.  I love the old stone walls, overgrown with moss and ivy, that mark out the field boundaries and the many little lanes that criss-cross the area.  Although there are still autumn leaves underfoot, some of the trees are showing the faintest signs of greening and the low sun peeking through their branches hints at the awakening of Spring.


  1. We have touches of green here too, so early for Wisconsin. I love the touches of green along the rock wall in your photo.

  2. It has been a lovely spring weekend, hasn't it? I love the photo today.

  3. A real nice early spring shot; love the curve of the wall.

  4. Just my kind of country, mossy walls always make me want to take up painting again or at least to reach for the camera. The sun has just come out for the first time this weekend here.

  5. Great photo...very inviting place to walk.

  6. Oh my, that moss covered stone is so magical looking! ~Lili

  7. That stone wall is marvellous!

    Here, the hawthorn hedges are starting to green. It's such a relief after the bare brown of winter.

  8. Oooh, I love this. Looks perfect for a stroll...of course with your camera!

  9. A lovely shot taken under difficult conditions. You handled the back lighting perfectly.

  10. I like this picture, and I am absolutely certain that I would love taking a walk on that path!

  11. I could copy exactely what JAck said!

  12. A fabulous shot, Jenny. It looks like an enchanted walk. The moss covered wall is a beauty.

  13. I've been catching up on your posts and this picture absolutely called out to me. Maybe I walked there in a previous life...
