
Saturday 17 March 2012

Signs of Spring

Last weekend was bright and sunny, chilly in the wind but warm in sheltered spots.  It felt like all of creation was waking up and stretching.  Not that we've had a bad winter, far from it, it has been very mild, but even so the long dark days take their toll.  I went out looking for signs of Spring in Saltaire.  There were plenty of people about, enjoying the space in Roberts Park. (See my last two posts for a short biography of the man after whom the park is named.)  The daffodils are beginning to flower in sunny spots (and they're a cheery sight, aren't they?)  It was warm enough, too for a few folk to sit outside the Half Moon Café (though I did secretly want to shout "Go in, go in and look at my photos..." - ha!)


  1. Lovely shapes and perspectives, jenny.

  2. But rain today - roll on the BBQ season.

  3. Your picture really smells Spring !

  4. Yes... the signs are everywhere.

  5. I can't wait to see the daffodils blooming looks wonderful there! ~Lili

  6. What a grand thing to have a park named after you! Not so sunny down here today.

  7. What a beautyful place for a sunday stroll!

  8. I'm with you, jenny. Daffodils are such a welcome sign of springtime. Love your picture today. Now, you go out there and have a happy and healthy weekend outdoors.

  9. I'm very much looking forward to going in and seeing your photos :)

  10. Daffodils are my favorite flower - probably because they truly represent springtime, after a long winter (at least here in NW Wisconsin). But today it was 80 degrees. Unbelievable! 75 degrees was the record high set in 1895 or something, so this is a record breaker!! What a beautiful photo, Jenny.

  11. This shot has such a wonderful community feel about it. It also reminds me of rabbits coming out of their holes in Spring...hee hee.
