
Saturday 11 May 2013

Dog with log - and witches

This ambitious little dog made me smile....

as did the witches sign, below. Wycoller is in a part of Lancashire called Pendle, which has an association with the infamous Pendle witch trials of 1612. Twelve local people (mostly members of two different families) were charged with ten murders by witchcraft, and ten of the accused were found guilty and hanged. The Clerk to the Court, Thomas Potts, published an account of the trial: 'The Wonderfull Discoverie of Witches in the Countie of Lancaster'. It's an intriguing, if tragic, story and the trials have since been the source of inspiration for many writers, poets, dramatists and artists.  There is a well-known novel, written by Robert Neill in 1951, called 'Mist over Pendle', which is still in print. 
The signpost marks a section of one of several Witch Trails that criss-cross the area, enabling people to explore the fascinating 400 year old history.


  1. I love to see little dogs like this, punching above their weight.

  2. He's a tough little beast.
    Humans can be so cruel!

  3. We have not walked much around Pendle might have to pop over there soon. Thanks for sharing. Xxx

  4. I grew up near Salem, Massachusetts, where there were famous witch trials in the 1690s, much later than the Pendle witch trials.

  5. What a great place. That little dog reminds me of our Buster, he always carried a big stick!
