
Sunday 12 May 2013

Living sculpture

I really liked these 'living sculptures', constructed by local community artists as part of a project to enhance and regenerate the landscape round Wycoller.  They are woven from willow that is still growing, so in summer the sculptures (including a tunnel, a bower, and a horse - who appears now to be riderless) become leafy and green. In winter the leaves drop, revealing the bare framework again.  In this late spring, there were one or two green shoots, but I enjoyed seeing the graceful lines of the woven branches.


  1. I love these living sculptures too, jennyfreckles. My daughter and I plan to experiment with something along these lines in her garden. I don't know if you're familiar with the work of Tom Hare, but we attended a workshop with him at last year's Cambridge Festival. With much practice, it's possible to achieve some stunning results.

  2. I really like this place , those gardens, the witches..Thank you for making me discovering that unic place!

  3. These are wonderful. Gardens are wonderful places to find great shots.

  4. They must really look very beautiful when they are green !
