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Sunday, 8 January 2017

Goosey, goosey...

... Goosander (Mergus merganser). I've noticed several pairs of Goosander (Goosanders?) on the waterways round and about in the last month or so. They swim fast and dive for long periods, often surfacing quite a distance from where they went under, so they are a challenge to photograph. This female did actually kindly pause and pose for a second or two, enabling a reasonably sharp image. They are resident in UK but usually prefer the upland rivers in Scotland and the north of England. They move to more sheltered waters in winter and so we often see them around here. I think they're very attractive birds, not geese at all but members of the sawbill family of diving ducks.

At any other time, I'd have enjoyed the lively reflections in the canal - but they rather detract from the bird in this case!


  1. I love the head with the swooped back feathers!

  2. WOW! What a beautiful goosey! It has three different colors...

  3. Nice photo! I like the reflections in the water.

  4. Very nice! The bird and water blend so well together, it's a dreamscape looking at them.

  5. Its got a cheeky look on its face. I agree about the reflections.

  6. He is a good looker Jenny, I particularly like his windswept hairdo ☺

  7. I've never seen one of those. Great photograph.
