
Sunday 19 April 2020

Conkering the world

When they announced the Forest of Saltaire initiative (see HERE) I thought it sounded a worthwhile venture. However, I'm not a great one for gardening  - I can kill a 'living lettuce' on the way home from the shops - so I didn't end up doing anything at the time. Last autumn I picked up a couple of horse chestnut conkers, just to enjoy their shiny smoothness and rich colour. Then they got tossed into an empty container in my backyard, which happened to have a little soil in it, and I forgot about them. In the New Year, I noticed they'd softened and cracked and I remembered the forest idea. I really didn't hold out any great hopes but I planted them in some fresh potting compost. I'm really excited that they have sprouted and produced leaves. My friends are questioning whether they really are horse chestnuts!! I assure you they are, nothing illegal going on here, honest. Now all that remains is for me to attempt to keep them alive. I'm going to have to remember to water them. I might transplant them into a bigger pot soon. I also noticed a sycamore seedling has rooted in the front garden, so I think I'll have to rescue that too. I certainly don't want it establishing itself by the house wall but, rather than just toss it in the garden waste, I might try and nurture that too. We need more trees. 


  1. Fun to see Jenny - love the Horse Chestnut ... and the sycamore - they'll be enjoyed in their final setting ... take care - Hilary

  2. Well done for trying to grow trees for the forest project. This one is looking good.

  3. Now I have a bad conscience for all the conkers I smashed to smithereens on my piece of string as a schoolboy. To win one soaked them in vinegar then placed them in the oven until they were rock hard.

  4. That looks a healthy little tree. I have Sycamores popping up all over the place, never thought of putting them in a pot though.

  5. Congratulations! Trees are easier, I think, to grow than other plants.
    Laughing, I admit, I did count the leaves.

  6. The world certainly could use more trees! I've only ever been able to start an avocado tree from seed, and they are all gone now.

  7. I think it's always worth more to plant a tree, go for it.

  8. Whatever you say. If it's legal, it's legal. Meanwhile, it looks to be healthy and you'll have a great legal sapling one of these days. Or a bumper illegal crop.

  9. You are not along, Jenny, in being unable to have a plant survive, however, in this case it looks like neglect has reaped quite unexpected results. Hope you can transplant to a bigger pot and then rescue that other tree. And no I never thought of anything "illegal."
