
Sunday 6 February 2011

In spate

Well, nothing like Cyclone Yasi or the snow in the States here (thank goodness) but the start of February has seen gale force winds  and heavy rain across Scotland and the North of England.  I met a friend for lunch and we decided to go to the Half Moon CafĂ© in Roberts Park, which gamely remains open during the winter and therefore seems worthy of support.  It was quite a hard walk down to the park in the strong wind.  The River Aire is flooding its banks and thundering over the weir by the New Mill.  I thought it worthy of a picture even though the light was poor.  I battled to keep a reasonably steady hand on my camera, as the wind was buffeting me around.


  1. That's a powerful image. Well done, for staying on your feet!

  2. Oh that looks a bit threatening... ;)

  3. Woaw, that's impressive! we are far from the romantic usual views! be careful, my friend!

  4. You've managed to capture the 'thundering water' beautifully. I haven't slept for three nights now, with the wind howling around the house, doing impressions of trains and airplanes accellerating. Our house and grounds are surrounded by trees and I'm always worrying that a tree can't resist the storm and falls down on the stables or something. Anyway... love your photo ;-)

  5. It's been very windy here too for the last few nights. I heard shattering glass a couple of nights ago, but haven't identified the source yet. The trees all seem to be riding the storm though.

    The Aire does look to be in a bit of a hurry. I love the movement and the churning of the water in your photo.

  6. Wow that is an amazing sight. The winds must be really strong.

  7. You've captured the power of that water so well, Jenny! It almost looks as if the water is eroding the land under that building!

  8. It looks violent! I like your composition on this and the sky turned out nicely.

  9. I noticed that the river Don looks close to spilling over as I picked up my daughter from work this evening. I can't believe how bad the flooding situation is after a weekends rain! Ive also had a bag load of worry (mainly my daughter!) too, so it was nice to even it out with some good stuff. Hope your weeek gets better. xxx

  10. Wow! Good thing you didn't fall in that...or blow in! lol.

  11. That water certainly is turbulent. Your photo is a terrific capture of the racing water in the foreground. Nice.

  12. What a vastly different scene from that wonderfully peaceful night shot you'd captured at this very spot. You've caught the turbulence perfectly in this one. Frothing, foaming, lashing, violent waters!

  13. "Go out and face the wind and rain, be savage again."

    John Greenleaf Whittier

    Such power! Such a great eye!

  14. Oh that's very scary looking! ~Lili
