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Tuesday 11 December 2012

White Christmas?

In the church hall of Baildon St John's, someone had gone to enormous trouble to create this magical festive scene: snow, fir trees, polar bears, penguins and reindeer - and of course a sleigh. Isn't it lovely? I can feel all those schmaltzy Christmassy songs running round my head... 'I'm dreaming of a white Christmas'.... Actually, one is starting to look a distinct possibility. It's freezing cold here and sleeting.


  1. I love it. The world's weather is changing, but our we will always find a way to have a WHITE CHRISTMAS. I grew up in Southern California, so white Christmas has always been a state of mind for me. However, I spent many in the Rocky Mountains as a child, and saw some dangerous weather there. Now I's dreaming of a white Christmas and will finish my Christmas cards this a.m. :)

  2. In front of such sceneries , I'm like a kid: I love them!!That's why I love Christmas!

  3. It is very cute and classic, jennyfreckles.
