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Sunday, 1 March 2015


Another Spiritual Sundays quotation - one of the prayer cards I made for our church Healing Prayer Team.

I took the photo when I was on holiday in Croatia, inside the fortress overlooking Dubrovnik, which was a stronghold of the local resistance during the Balkan wars in the early 1990s.


  1. Such an interesting shot ~ matched with the perfect quotation . . . :)

  2. Beautiful photo & Scripture. Grateful you shared it!

  3. Beautiful verse and photo to match!

  4. A beautiful image, well matched to your quotation.

    I need to be reminded every now and then to take some photos in portrait format. Landscape format works better for blog posts, so I get into the lazy habit of taking nearly all photos in landscape.

  5. Beautiful photo Jenny, lots of light, lovely stone work, makes me want to visit and walk down the passage way.The walls look as if they have been lime washed.

  6. Isn't that just the perfect picture for those powerful words...
