Conversazione 3: At the other end of the technological scale, but no less astonishing to me, was an exhibit showing lace-making, a craft practiced by women through the ages. It was a traditional skill that became associated with boatwomen: the wives, mothers, sisters and daughters of the men who worked on the cargo boats on our canal and waterways. Many of the boats were decorated with lace inside, as well as the colourful painted 'brightwork' and some of the towing horses apparently even had lace ear 'hats' to protect them from bothersome flies. The lace-making tradition is continued by some and was shown as part of an extensive exhibit about the Leeds-Liverpool Canal, which included a visit from the restored barge 'Kennet', moored down by the park. The coloured threads (top photo) are used to help people to learn, so they don't get their bobbins in the wrong order!
Thursday, 23 April 2015
Conversazione 3: At the other end of the technological scale, but no less astonishing to me, was an exhibit showing lace-making, a craft practiced by women through the ages. It was a traditional skill that became associated with boatwomen: the wives, mothers, sisters and daughters of the men who worked on the cargo boats on our canal and waterways. Many of the boats were decorated with lace inside, as well as the colourful painted 'brightwork' and some of the towing horses apparently even had lace ear 'hats' to protect them from bothersome flies. The lace-making tradition is continued by some and was shown as part of an extensive exhibit about the Leeds-Liverpool Canal, which included a visit from the restored barge 'Kennet', moored down by the park. The coloured threads (top photo) are used to help people to learn, so they don't get their bobbins in the wrong order!
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I love everyting that has to do with "sewing" , embroidery , etc.. and making lace is one thing I'd like very much to learn to do .
ReplyDeleteSo beautiful Jenny.. My mum used the make lace, I never had the patience :)
ReplyDeleteSuch a skill!
ReplyDeleteLace can be absolutely beautiful, but I don't think I will write more or I will get myself in trouble . . .
ReplyDeleteI would love to learn to do this.