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Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Après le deluge

Three days after the floods, the waters are receding, leaving just mud and debris behind.

You can see how high the water level reached, from the tideline of twigs and dirt left on the slopes. The compressed gravel path beside the weir was completely swept away.

The Boathouse left high, if not dry, ready for the mopping out to begin. Unfortunately another storm is blowing in, promising more heavy rain, so any clear up may be a bit premature.

The Salts Sports Club has been badly affected. These were the tennis courts and below, the main drive.

The once pristine bowling green is a swamp of mud.

These houses narrowly avoided inundation; you can see the line of debris showing where the high-water mark came to.

Others were not so lucky. The mill flats beside Hirst Weir (see here) were flooded.

The Bradford and Bingley Rugby Club is no stranger to flooding, as it occupies the designated flood plain, but this flood came up much higher than usual and inundated the clubhouse.

Opposite the Rugby Club, Beckfoot School has lost a sports pitch and gained a boating lake!  I used to live in a bungalow in the row of dwellings that you can see in the photo. I'm glad I moved! They were flooded.


  1. The cleanup from that is definitely going to take awhile.

  2. Hi Jenny - lovely descriptive photos of where and what had been ... gosh I bet you were glad you moved! I hope dear Storm Frank will not inundate anyone any more ... let's hope - just so very unfortunate .... all the best - Hilary

  3. You need a week of sunny windy weather to dry you all out!

  4. What a mess. Glad to know that the floods have receded, but there is plenty to worry about with another storm on the way. Be careful, jennyfreckles.

  5. All that water but what a mess it leaves in it's wake. It's ironic that down here we are on water restrictions and are gardens desperately need Water !! Great captures of Après Le Deluge.

  6. Glad you made it through the rain. It takes a great photographers' eye to create beauty out of such devastation.

  7. Some sorry sights, but excellent images of the heavy rain aftermath. You have done very well to record it all with your camera, Jenny!x

  8. Your poor town. Its a mess. I feel sorry for all those affected.

  9. Thank you for posting your photos for us to see, we are in Kendal Cumbria and have suffered the floods like you. But it is amazing the force of nature, the destruction and devastation it leaves. It is an air of curiosity that we have as humans to wonder at the nature of it all. Sorry no pun meant! !
