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Saturday, 22 November 2014


The weather here has been incredibly dreary for the past week or so - at least when I have been able to notice it (that is, not stuck in an office with my back to the window).  I'm running very short of bloggable photos so I went out today with my camera. It was a misty, damp morning (of the kind that always gets that Steeleye Span song running through my head. 'One misty, moisty morning...') and the view over the Aire valley towards Bradford was decidedly moody.  Look closely at the skyline on the right and you can see the huge chimney of Listers Mill, as visible as it has been for the past 140 years since it was built... once the largest silk factory in the world.


  1. It's a beautiful shot, Jenny!

  2. Cloudy skies like these are interesting every now and then. We just don't want to make a habit of them. We have had three days of cooler weather and light rain, which is pretty unusual for this time of year. It is supposed to be beautiful again tomorrow.

  3. There must be a whole generation of us who go around singing that song on mornings like that! Tomorrow is supposed to be glorious.

  4. Hi Jenny - yes the weather looks the same down here. Our industrial history is extraordinary isn't it - the largest silk factory in the world - 140 years ago ... amazing information and lovely shot! Cheers Hilary
