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Sunday, 21 April 2013

Keep your eye on the ball

I am admiring of those who can juggle. I have always been one of those folks who can't catch for toffee. Throw me a ball, some keys or anything and I will drop it. After being the butt of other people's scorn as a child, the inability has now become part of me. I have a sneaking suspicion that with a lot of perseverance I might master the skill... but since there are many skills I feel would be more valuable at this stage of life (most DIY skills for a start... why don't they teach you to use a drill or screwdriver at school?) then I shall pass up the chance to learn to juggle. I was happy to be entertained by this gentleman, who was delighting travellers on the Shipley Glen Tramway at the weekend. He started with three, then four, then five balls - although one of them did keep going missing in his hat brim. LOL.


  1. What a great outfit! Hope there's a younger generations of talented eccentrics coming up who will keep these sort of traditions alive.

  2. This is a really charming portrait, jennyfreckles.

  3. But you can catch a good image better than most people I know.

  4. I have never been able to learn that. Nice photo as well.

  5. At one point, after a lot of practice, I could juggle 3 things but I have forgotten the skill and could never do 4!

  6. Great capture. He looks like he is from the old school of entertainment.
