Saltaire from Salts Mill
This is the view from the window on the other side of the bookshop on the second floor of Salts Mill, looking south over the village of Saltaire. The large building with the tower is the Victoria Hall (see my post of 8 July). The road on the right, where the cars are, is Victoria Road. Rather spoiling the view, right in the centre, is the Caroline Street car park, which is where the Sunday School once stood. The allotments in the foreground have been there since the village was built and are still cultivated. None of the houses in the village have gardens big enough to grow vegetables, so the allotments have always been popular.
You may also be able to see a church tower in the background to the right. That is St Peter's Church, Shipley, which was opened in 1909 to provide for the explosion of housing in the Shipley/Saltaire/NabWood area in the early part of the 20th century. It's the church where I worship, so one day I'll show some pictures of that.
Excellent photo