Shipley Glen tramway
Here's a nostalgia trip especially for Alan B.... Just on the edge of Saltaire, at the far side of Roberts Park, there is an area known as Shipley Glen - some ancient woodland on a steep hillside, then a broad ledge of rocks and scrubland, before the hillside swoops up again to Baildon Moor (see my post of October 7). I have featured one or two photos of this area (see also 26 & 27 September) but I must admit I have largely ignored its most famous feature - the Shipley Glen tramway. This is because at the moment it doesn't really exist. The sheds are still there at the top and bottom, but the tramway is under repair. The sign saying when it will reopen says a later date every time I pass it. (NB: It is open again regularly now, 2011-12 season).
The Tramway is the oldest working cable tramway in Britain (excepting cliff-lifts at the seaside) and dates from 1895. It was originally powered by gas but is now electric. It has been kept open by volunteers, but struggles financially in the present climate of credit crunch and 'elfnsafety' legislation. In its hey-day it was a very popular tourist attraction and still brings delight to children, especially at Christmas when they run 'Santa Specials'. Let's hope they get it working again in time for the run-up to Christmas this year.
Thanks Jenny. It's good to know it is still there even though it might not be working at the moment. The photos are excellent, particularly the one of the wheel and cable : an image to be proud of.