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Monday, 22 July 2013

A bit of best beef

On Saturday, the 132nd Bingley Show returned to Myrtle Park, having been cancelled in 2012 because of the incessant rain. This year it coincided with a heatwave (the crazy British weather!) though in fact on the day there was heavy cloud cover, so temperatures stayed comfortable and I didn't have to worry too much about getting sunburnt, hooray! I had a wonderful day out.

The Show stays fairly true to its roots as a local agricultural show, with classes for livestock and pets, garden produce, flowers, crafts, an equestrian competition and lots of trade stands. But it's also a good family day out, with events to watch in the show arena, a funfair and lots to eat and drink.

I enjoy watching the cattle being judged. This handsome bull was being closely 'hands-on' inspected by the judge and, despite the indignity, remained stoical throughout. His patience resulted in a Silver Medal.


  1. This post's right up my alley Jenny ... is he a Shorthorn?
    Dare I ask what temperature constitutes a heatwave in your part of the world?

  2. I like to go to such events! but always sad to know all the beasts are going to be killed.. I would be a bad farmer!

  3. He's a beauty Jenny, agricultural shows can be a lot of fun...if you don't think too deeply about it :)))

  4. Not only you are having this crazy weather, Belgium is the same. Now we have 35° today ! It's better for the poor animals when it is not too hot !

  5. I have not gone to an agricultural fair in recent years but, when I have gone, the best parts involved the large animals like cattle and sheep.
