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Thursday, 16 April 2020

Peace in our time

In the midst of the current turmoil, it is still possible to find tranquil scenes in nature. In turn that perhaps provides us with a measure of peace in our hearts. Walking along the canal to Field Locks in the warm spring sunshine was balm for my soul. I love the feeling when my whole body gets into its rhythmic stride and my mind stills, to pay attention to the scenery.

This stretch of the Leeds-Liverpool Canal out east from Shipley is by no means one of the prettiest; in fact in parts it's pretty messy and ugly. As you get nearer to the locks and pass through Buck Woods it gets rather nicer.

These are peaceful pictures but underneath you can almost certainly detect the rapidly beating heart of nature, as Spring, pulsing resurrection life, starts to quicken the trees and the wildlife.

Incidentally, in the photo below, the overhanging leaves are ivy, climbing over a tree, rather than very early tree leaves. The trees were only in bud when I took the pictures. It has all greened up a bit since then.


  1. The old boatmen told me that to the right of the reeds in your centre photo there used to be a pub with stables. The story goes that in the twenties the horse boats left Shipley for Leeds. On Saturday afternoon the wives walked down the towpath as you have done to meet their menfolk. They found an empty boat by the pub, the horse in the stable.The boatman had been in the pub drinking the whole week long.

  2. Life always seems to have a slower and more relaxed rhythm when you walk beside water.

  3. A horse drawn canal boat ride is like gliding on air.

  4. It certainly looks tranquil, Jenny!

  5. I love the last photo, with the ground cover showing between the trunks of the trees, the canal and pathway fading around the bend.

  6. Beautiful serenity captured so well, Jenny! Lovely, soothing images!

  7. I like how the tall trees line the water, looks like a nice place to walk.

  8. Good that you are able to get out to commune with nature.
